Some help, for those who'd like it.
There are three ways (ok, more than that...but I'll help you with three) to get automatic updates to our blog.
1. If you're among the first EIGHT people to email me (hannahrae at yahoo dot com), I can put you on a list generated by Blogger, who hosts this site, and they will email you every time there is a new post. They only allow me to put 10 people on the list, though, and I've already got two (Mom and Esther, you're already added). HOWEVER, the new post will be emailed to you in plain text. You will have to visit the site directly (there should be a link at the bottom of the email) to see it in its intended format.
2. Subscribe using the gadget in the toolbar to the RIGHT of this post. It will say "Subscribe to." If you select "Posts," you will see a few options. If, for example, you have a Google account ( or Yahoo account (, you can select this option. What it will do is add a section to your home email page that will update you when changes are made.
3. Subscribe using "Bloglines." You can find this option in the same place as #2 above, but only choose this option if you're feeling a little tech savvy. Alternatively, you can visit directly. Basically, you will set up an account with Bloglines and you can add all the blogs you regularly check. For example, I regularly read 5 blogs. Because I have subscribed to them through Bloglines, I now only have to visit one website to get all my updates.
a) Go to the website
b) Set up an account
c) Click the "feeds" tab in top left corner
d) Click "add"
e) Find the field labeled "Blog or Feed URL" and type in the website you want to add (IE:
f) Click "subscribe"
g) It takes you to a screen with "Available Feeds."
h) Check the most recent feed (usually at the top), scroll to the bottom of the page, and click "Subscribe."
i) check all your blogs at the same time, add Bloglines to your list of bookmarks. When you click the bookmark tab, it will take you to the Bloglines main page. When you get there, click "Feeds." All your blogs will be listed. The ones in bold have new content on the pages. When you click the link, it will show you the title(s) of new posts you haven't yet read. Click on the title of the post, and it takes you directly to the blog.
WHEW. Again, only use #3 if you would like to subscribe to several different blogs.
Don't forget, you can post comments on our blog any time you like, even if you don't wish to set up a Google/Blogger account. You can post under the "Anonymous" option.
I hope this was helpful! Post a question, if you have any, and I'll try to help.
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