I am amazed and flattered by you all, dear readers. Per your many requests, I will continue writing and posting as I feel moved to do so...you've been forewarned.
However, here is my personal compromise, which will somehow make me feel better. I am going to delete the function provided by this website which emails certain people a notice about a new post. In other words, if you're currently getting an email from my blog, you will NO LONGER receive it after today. That means that you'll have to bookmark the site and check back all on your own, adults that you are. (I'm aware that I might sacrifice a little readership, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.)
Perhaps I can try to explain. Let's pretend that the president of the U.S. (doesn't matter which one...past or present) were on the email list. And then let's pretend I decided to write a post about how I detest living in the U.S., and I think the leadership sucks, and I'm moving to Canada as soon as possible. It's feels as though I'm posting something deliberately to upset him, knowing full well that he will receive an email announcing my wish to move to Canada. Does that make any sense?
I can feel a little freer to write if I'm not 100% positive of who is reading. See? I already feel better just having made a decision.
One other thing. Those who blog know how this works already, but for the rest of you...Sometimes I'm not posting in "real time." There is a setting on this site that allows me to set a date and time for the post to publish. Sometimes I write five posts in one day, but stagger the publishing dates for those who are reading in a "blog reader" and like to have new posts more frequently. Just something to bear in mind.
Thanks for the love,
1 comment:
Question- would you maybe want to post something on your fb page each time you update your blog? If not, I'm going to end up stalking your blog while waiting for you to write. ;)
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