Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Bye-Bye, Gymbo

The boy and I attended his "last" Gymboree class a few weeks (ahem, possibly months) ago. I put "last" in quotation marks because I have learned to never say never. While he enjoyed Gymboree, I wouldn't say he actually gained many skills there that he wasn't getting in music class or from playing outdoors. It was really a great way to stay active during the winter...and to spend gobs of money at the mall in which it resides. We proudly know the entire layout, after six month of Gymboree, and have probably spent more time at the Gymboree retail store than the actual Gym. Whoops.

We will miss our wonderful teacher, Miss Rose (I know, right?), who is most certainly the best teacher at both locations we have attended, even if she can't sing. At all. :o)

Here are a few snapshots of his "last" class:

1 comment:

sjh said...

He looks so 2. (sigh deeply).