Monday, August 18, 2008

Baby Fruit Hats

I think this is what they call "nesting."

So, I took up knitting about a year ago with the specific intention of making these hats one day. Thanks to Georg, my awesome knitting instructor/therapist/art teacher at my school, I've produced two strawberries and this pumpkin, in addition to a few other projects. We'll see if I can get Baby Rose to model the hats one day.


Kage said...

SO make an adult sized one for LOVE SCARF project this fall!!!!

Anonymous said...

I more keen on seeing the little one that fits inside the hat! It's been a good long wait, hasn't it? You've done well.

Anonymous said...

These are so adorable! Many kudos for the patience and creativity to stick with the knitting... I can never seem to start correctly, so the rest of the project is doomed from the start. Kimmie