Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Weekend Update

This weekend was full of "firsts!" First real date for Bradley and Hannah, first time meeting Grandpa Bob and Grammie Val, first time taking the baby to the bar...I should back up. (For some reason, the "read more" link is missing, so click on "Weekend Update" to see the full post.)

On Friday, Bradley and I went to a schmancy dinner sponsored by WMS. We had been to the Cub game together the previous Wednesday (and yes, you can cue the dirge now), but this was our first "date night" since Munchkin's birth. Sadly, we didn't take any pictures of ourselves or our venue that evening, but suffice it to say that it was the best Patent Award Dinner we've attended so far. Great food, beautiful venue, inspiring speaker, and kickin' band.

The next day, Munchkin was introduced to his Grandpa Bob and Grammie Val for the first time. Dad, if you're reading this, forgive me, but I was shocked to see the two of them interact so seamlessly. I've never seen my father hold an infant--ever--so it cracked me up to watch him wiggle Munchkin's toes, and make "octopus fingers" over his eyes (trying to get him to track?). He didn't change a diaper, but we're visiting in December, so there's still time. :o)

So, on Saturday evening, we all got a hankerin' for a burger. (Pardon all my dropped "g's." I'm practicing my Palin imitation for my SNL debut.) And we thought to ourselves, "Selves: where can you find a good burger in Chicago?" Answer: a bar. Problem: there's a baby. Solution: take the baby to the bar--preferably before 9 PM. So, we did. We all headed out to Cullen's, snuggled into a booth in the back of the smoke-free pub and had ourselves some Irish cookin'. Auntie Abigail and I amused ourselves by repeating, "You have a baby...in a bar," (from Sweet Home Alabama) several times, and she gave Munchkin a bottle. Of milk, that is.

(And for the rest of you grandparents who are reading this thinking, "but she didn't post anything about me!"--don't worry...your time is a-comin'.)


Anonymous said...

awww...i just want to rub his hair! and sniff his neck.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

oops...name dropping above. can't wait to see my little pumpkin next weekend. love you guys.

HHRose said...

Thanks for the catch, Mimi. Sorry, E...we're using code names on this blog. :o)