Sunday, October 12, 2008

Yom Kippur-ing

More "firsts." Today Munchkin celebrated his first holiday, and went to Grandma's house for the first time.

If you're interested, you can read about Yom Kippur here. Note: I can't tell you on which day we celebrated, because we didn't do it on the correct day. We also didn't wear white, I was wearing suede (and I'm pretty sure if you can't wear leather, you can't wear suede), bathed that day, AND put on deodorant. I'm a very bad Shiksa. :o)

But we did enjoy a lovely meal prepared by Munchkin's Grandma, played with Melanie (the cat), and listened to some baby lullabies.

Thanks, Grandma!


sjh said... you've used the boy's name on your blog.
Is that acceptable now?
Sounds like fun.

HHRose said...

Sigh...nope, just tired mommy brain. Edited. :)