Thursday, September 9, 2010

Not Alone in the Woods

I'd just like to observe, for the record, that it's not just me who feels this way. Must be a blogger thing.

"Someone Who Reads This," linked by Swistle.


Anonymous said...

Dad needs more of you, and you need more of dad. Oops, wonder who will read this? Keep posting. We all love it, and thank you!

sjh said...

In the theatre, when we are considering what play to produce, we ask the question, "Who is my audience?" That helps us to identify what we want to 'say' from the stage. Well... "All the world's a stage."

...So, if this is your stage, and you know your audience, what do you want to say? There is always someone who will be offended, someone who will be challenged, someone who will be deeply touched by your words, someone who will wish you had said or not said something more.

I would only offer these two pieces of counsel:
1. Speak the truth in love.
2. Out of the mouth (pen, keyboard?) come blessing and cursing. Words are life or death.

Challenge us. Touch our hearts. Ask questions. Offer solutions. That's why we, your audience, are here. We can always choose not to purchase the ticket.
