Monday, September 6, 2010

Play in the Park, in Three Acts

The Players:
The Boy (as in, my boy--we'll call him Sam, to simplify)
Kevin, the Leader
American Boy

Act I:
(The players are climbing on a too-difficult-for-a-2 year old-to-navigate-alone playground structure involving claustrophobia inducing giant plastic balls connected by steep staircases and an intimidating tunnel slide. Kevin is proving to be a very friendly 4ish year old with a savior complex.)

Kevin: "Hey, what's his name?"
Me: "His name is Sam."
Kevin: "Oh. I'm Kevin!"
Me: "Hi, Kevin."
Kevin: "Hi...Sam's mom."

Act II:
(After Brad and I both attempt to navigate the innerworkings of the structure clearly designed for persons under four feet, we let Kevin escort Sam through the tunnels while we watch from below. At one point, Sam gets stuck at the top of a step and can't figure out how to get down. Enter American Boy who is taller and stronger than Kevin.)

Kevin (to AB): "Hey, can you help my friend Sam? He doesn't understand what I'm telling him to do."
AB: "Well, does he speak a different language?"
[Nope. He's just 2.]

Act III:
(Kevin, still puzzled that Sam isn't understanding his litany of instructions at every turn, has decided the boys need to navigate the structure "one more time" before we leave for dinner.)

Kevin: "So...what...are you Hebrew? Russian? English?"
[No response.]
Kevin: "Are you four or one?"
Sam: [in toddler speak] "You foe oh one."
Kevin: "You're four AND one?!"


[In other news, we've had a few BIG days at the park, wherein The Boy overcame his bizarre (mostly out of nowhere) fear of slides. Peer every time. :o) ]

1 comment:

sjh said...

That slide fear has run in our family. And has been unanimously overcome at age two by each one. In fact, one in particular, got first grade 'detention' for running up the slide. As if a first grader should know that's wrong!