Monday, January 23, 2012

5 Months

Dear Rosebud/Lovey Loo/Little Bug/Bugaboo,

This may sound strange, but you've definitely become a person this month. You're completely aware of your surroundings, and it's thrilling to watch you learn about the world.

You've accomplished much this last month, including your first airplane trip to Arizona (angelic on the way down, not so on the way back), celebrating your first Christmas/Hanukkah, adeptly rolling from front to back, and attempting your first "solid" food. We learned from your brother to try oatmeal instead of rice cereal, since babies often prefer the taste. You didn't cry about it, but you mostly spit it right back out--more from a lack of coordination rather than distaste. Three weeks later, we're having more success, and you certainly seem hungry for it. Time to try another cereal and next month we'll add fruits and veggies. You're starting to say actual syllables when you cry. It almost sounds like "mama," but with a large dose of angsty protest.

My favorite part of the day with you is any time you're just waking up, be it in the morning or from a nap. You usually squeal with delight to see me, and I swear you hug me when I pick you up. You love being tickled on your changing pad, and there is still nothing that brings you more joy than a diaper change--except, of course, if your brother is there DURING your diaper change. Then your little world is complete.

SIR is still your favorite person on the planet. The rest of us are just decoration. He is willing to sit and play with you endlessly, and you track his every move and breath, and express your displeasure when he disappears from sight. When he isn't around, you still enjoy your play mats and bouncy chairs. You've recently been introduced to the Jumperoo, and while you can't actually jump in it, it is nice to have more than one toy at your fingertips. It's also nice that they're attached and you can't toss them out of reach.

Sleeping: Having completed a round of sleep training, you do well getting to bed at night. You usually wake each night between 2-4 and are generally up for the day around 7. (Although on exactly three occasions, you've slept completely through the night.) You continue to nap two hours after that last time you woke, which usually translates to two substantial naps and one catnap each day--provided we're HOME, which only happens 2-3 days per week. Sorry about that.

Eating: You're eating six times per day. Because of our "Vampire Baby" issues, we're currently alternating nursing and giving you a half and half bottle. You're getting a tablespoon or two of cereal every day, but I'm probably going to wait until you're six months old to start other foods.

It's no secret I'm having a hard time facing the fact that you're growing up. The truth is that being a parent to a newborn is decidedly simple. If the baby cries, feed it/hold it/change it/put it to sleep. There is no discipline involved, and you're incapable of manipulating or disobeying me. Being a parent to a toddler and beyond requires a much more nuanced approach, and I'm just a little prematurely saddened by the first time you will sass me or throw a temper tantrum--it's so hard to imagine your sweet nature becoming anything else. But who knows? Maybe you'll be perfect forever. (Insert naive smile here.)


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Holiday Wrap Up

Well, the holidays didn't kill me this year...but they came close. With two Hanukkah celebrations, four birthday celebrations, Christmas out of town and a New Year's Eve party at home, this mama is t-i-r-e-d. I'm thrilled January is here.

Here is a photo story of our holiday journeys this year.

New Year's Eve:

Monday, January 2, 2012

For Crying Out Loud--The Second Installment

(Find the first installment here.)

Under the loose guidance of Dr. Weissbluth, we spent most of month 4 sleep training. Remarkably, it has gone well, although the nights are still unpredictable, from a feeding standpoint. (It's probably time to encourage the little bug to cut out the 2am feeding.) "Sleep training," as we do it, is just a fancy way of saying we basically let the baby cry herself to sleep, although this time I've used a technique closer to Dr. Ferber's, which incorporates checking and consoling the baby without taking her out of the crib.

What we have learned from our last baby: It's not necessary to listen to the crying on the monitor. The baby is fine. The baby is not hungry. The baby does not need to be "re-paci'ed"--in fact, it interrupts sleep instead of encouraging it.

The rest of this post is going to be VERY boring, but I'm publishing it for documentation purposes. You wouldn't believe how many people like to discuss sleep training experiences! Read at your own risk.

Night One (1/2/12):

-To bed at 7:40, asleep
- Woke moments later. Cried 11 minutes
- Self-soothed for 20 minutes.
- Cried for 25 minutes. Fell asleep. Woke at 3 and 5:30.

Night Two:

- To bed at 7:45. Cried 3 minutes.
- Awake 10 minutes. Cried 3 minutes. Fell asleep.

Night Three:

- To bed at 6:30. No crying. Woke at 1 and 5.
- day time naps start shrinking to 30-45 minutes.

Night 4:

- To bed at 7pm. Cried 30 minutes. Woke at 3:30 and 7:15

Night 5, 6:

-bed at 7pm. No crying. Woke at 3:30 and 5
- day time naps return. Short morning nap (30-60) and longer afternoon nap. Usually a cat nap around noon.

Night 7:
- bed at 7:30. No crying. Slept until 6:15!!! And again until 7:30.
- napped 60 minutes in morning, 30 at grocery store around noon, 2.5 hrs at 2pm

Night 8:
-bed (with daddy) at 7:00. Lots of crying. Went in 30 minutes later and rocked to sleep.

Subsequent nights: Mostly asleep to almost asleep with very minimal crying. In general, still waking between 2-3 and 5-6. Day time naps exist but are still VERY unpredictable (as of 1/23). Often a long (2+ hours) morning nap translates to a short (30-60 minute) afternoon nap. The third nap rarely happens unless she will go down around 4pm. Otherwise, it's too late to nap. Bedtime is generally between 6:30-7:00pm.

Naturally, tonight (1/23), she went down at 6 and woke up at 10:30, completely unconsolable. Headed in to feed her. Sigh.
This happened again on 1/25 and I'm chalking it up to some serious teething pain, for which there seems to be no solution. Poor baby.