Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Twiddle. Twiddle. Twiddle.

Hear that? It's the sound of my thumbs. A short list of things I've been doing to keep from calling my doctor and requesting an IV of Pitocin:

1. Alphabetically re-arranged my spice jars.
2. Organized address labels for the birth announcements of a child who hasn't been born.
3. Spent ONE HOUR curling my hair with a curling iron.
4. Three days ago, I started watching an old TV series on DVD....I'm now on Season 3.
6. Went shopping for a diaper bag. That is, another diaper bag.
7. Have spent a good deal of time wondering why doctors feel the need to give you an exact due date. Really, they should say, "You're due some time in August. Or September. And, truthfully, October isn't out of the question."

I'm open to more creative ways to pass the time, should you choose to comment. And the firmly your tongue is planted in your cheek, the better. I must warn you, however, that I will drop-kick anyone commenting in the realm of, "enjoy it while it lasts." You should know how I feel about statements such as these, by now.

Have a nice day.


Anonymous said...

Well, I have to applaud you b/c I have no clue what overdue looks or feels like. But after delivering my first at 36 weeks and my second at 37 weeks....with my third I was going crazy at 39 weeks! so here's what we tried... the good ol' obvious--what got us in that position to begin with. When that didn't work I walked mile after mile...even at 3 in the morning with my mom! When that too failed I cooked up some eggplant, which I had never eaten in my life...when that didn't work I ate as much spicy food as my pregnancy indigestion would allow...and finally I realized if I was going to do anything to bring this baby (Payton) into the world on my own terms I was going to have to get hooked up to some pitocin. Once I scheduled the induction she decided to come on her own. :) I have heard castor oil works wonders but I wouldn't recommend that to my worst enemy! Keep twiddling...he will come. :) Marah

Anonymous said... first your actual list wasnt showing up for I was assuming you were asking for ways to go into labor. You are looking for ways to fill your time while waiting?? Well, I suppose you could go with my first suggestion. Actually you could go with any of, food, exercise. Have fun! Marah

Anonymous said...

Knit more hats- there's Easter, Christmas, and July 4th to think about.
Shop for your sister's birthday present. Go ahead, splurge.
Plan your child's first birthday party. You probably won't have time later.
Learn to whittle. Just because it sounds like twiddle.
Plan your dinner menus for the next six months.
Rearrange your silverware drawer. Bet you have already!
Fix my blog so it has drop-downs.
Learn to speak Spanish.
Iron your husband's underwear.
(Your paternal grandmother's claim to fame)
Go visit an old folks' home and do the following acts of service:
a) pluck eyebrows and b) pluck ear hairs, and c) pluck mole hairs.
It's a terrible job and someone needs to do it.
Write a set of nursery rhymes. They might come in handy.
Write a song. It might make some money.
Memorize a monologue. An act of faith for the future.
Go visit your school teacher friends in their classrooms, and take them cookies.
Which you can bake.
Learn to twiddle your toes instead.

The twiddler's mother

naomi. said...

Exactly what I would have know with the spice jars, hair, and old TV shows. Hee hee I like the way you think. My blog is officially up and running and wow have you started a thing with this blog! I really love that our family can connect with pics and messages. Gotta love it! And I <3 you!
ilysm Naomi

HHRose said...

LOL to all of you. Put a smile on my face! :o)

bac said...

Dear sweet hannah
i love how God constantly lovingly reminds us we are not in control( not even of our own body)
can't wait either, but of course for much differnt reasons.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy it while it lasts--oops, did I just say that! Sorry, the devil made me say that. Actually, the only thing that may bring on labor is a nasty thunderstorm--a swift change in barometric pressure brings the birth of lots of babies. Love your blog.