Friday, September 4, 2009

1 Year

Weight: 22 lbs, 3 oz (50th percentile)
Height: 29.75 in (50th percentile)
HC: 18 1/4 in (50th percentile)

Dear Munchkin,
How your daddy and I have changed this last year. Correction: how you have changed us. We are overjoyed that you allow us to be your parents, and are so very excited for the years to come. Here are some highlights from the past month:

- Making your first stack of blocks, all by yourself
- "Kissing" me by ramming your mouth into my face
- Loving your new interlocking mats in your playroomarea
- Dragging your wooden tower all the way across the room so you could put it in the drawer under the stove
- Crawling up the stairs
- Crawling on hands on knees! Finally!
- Saying some version of "kick, kick, kick" in the bathtub, which is what I say
- Giving a nice smile to the man who wished you "Happy St. Patrick's Day"....on September 2
- ALWAYS showing your excitement when you see your dad
- Crying when Oliver was getting washed in your bathtub (because he was in your tub? because he was wet and looked different? because you thought I was hurting him? who knows)
- Making a clicking sound with your tongue, which you learned to do on the day you got your first fat lip
- Giggling and doing the butt dance while listening to your singing Hoops and Yoyo birthday card
- Snuggling with your head on my shoulder, but only after you put your Pooh blanket there first. You always sleep with your face on top of your blanket.
- Feeding Oliver by sneaking the food under the tray of your high chair
- Knowing OH SO WELL that you aren't supposed to play with Oliver's water-in the toilet-with the floor fan...and looking slyly over your shoulder to see if we are watching. If we are, you shake your head at us to tell us, "no no no."
- Instigating the drinking games at "Huey's" 1st birthday party

Here is a video montage of your first year of life:

All our love forever and ever,
Mom and Dad


GAM said...

i love it! what a doll!

Colleen said...

Great video montage! :) Happy Birthday, little man!!!

Anonymous said...

Look at those stats!! Itty bitty baby turned chunky monkey toddler.

bac said...

hannah and brad
nice job on growing a cutey pie.

Eirian said...

Love your sweet tribute.
How the heck did he get to 22lbs? My little one was still only 19lbs 2 months ago on his 1st b-day! Do you feed him butter or what?