Monday, January 25, 2010

I Heart the Suburbs

Yes, I am alive. Yes, that last post posted on auto-pilot. No, I haven't had any time to write new posts. Too busy scouring the web for an entryway piece (with hooks for coats and drawers or something for shoes) with DOORS. Let it be a challenge to you.

Yes, I miss you, Internets! My readership is down down down. Sorry sorry sorry. we go again:

Dudes, seriously. WHY are the city folk so down on the 'burbs?!We've lived here two weeks, and here are some of the experiences we've had:

1. Home Depot: THREE people met us at the entrance, asked us about our "project," and showed us our options--thoroughly. Then they helped us with a cart, got us twine for the car, and led us to the checkout.

2. At the "fancy" grocery store, you leave your cart outside the store while you pull up your car. Then the clerks load your bags in your car for you. And you're not allowed to tip them. They'd probably go home with you and unpack them, if you asked nicely enough.

3. At the furniture store, the design consultant spent over an hour with us, and then offered to come TO OUR HOME (free of charge) after the furniture has been delivered, to develop a design plan for accent pieces, accessories, etc. Who knows if we'll take her up on it, but nice is that?!

4. We were invited to a neighbor's party within an hour of moving in (in fact, the movers were still there). We attended said party and were treated wonderfully.

5. We were invited to dinner at the next-door-neighbor's, which we attended last evening and had an (unexpectedly) lovely time.

6. There is a FREE...INDOOR...PLAYGROUND. Five minutes walking distance from the house.

7. There is a FREE...INDOOR...PLAYGROUND at the mall. Five minutes driving distance from the house.

8. It takes no more than 10 minutes to drive to everything. Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, grocery, other grocery, OTHER grocery, pet store, dry cleaner, gas station, mall, OTHER OTHER grocery, Marshall's, Nord Rack, Starbucks, other Starbucks, you get the idea.

Yes, there are things we don't like, and I'm sure that list will grow. The grass is always greener, after all. But I'm so happy to be in a place that I feel like I can make my home...there is no place like it.

Miss me? ;o)


aunt martha said...

i have been eagerly checking this in hopes you might post. i missed so muchly!

Eirian said...

I've turned into a suburban lover too - who knew?!

Lindsay Tako said...

I understand! I ADORE city life, but we are never leaving Barrington. Maybe a condo in the city to go visit on the weekends...: )

Kage said...

Van next?

welcome back.