Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Harrumph. I went to the doctor yesterday because I have a pulled muscle in my neck that caused enough pain to send me to bed for a good portion of Sunday because it literally hurt to hold up my head.

According to my doctor, the stupid pulled muscle in my neck is just a pulled muscle. This is good because...well, because it means it's not something worse. This is bad because I still have no explanation for why this has happened four times in seven months, in exactly the same spot, with exactly the same effect. Next to childbirth, it's the most painful thing I have ever experienced. It's even worse than pregnancy sciatica, but similar in that it's a constant pain that is horrendously distracting, not to mention debilitating. She gave me a muscle relaxer (which I can only take at night) and ordered me not to exercise until it's better.

That's the bad news: Usually this injury takes up to two weeks to heal (for me). So don't hate on me for missing my runs. I'll catch up.


1 comment:

JenLCB said...

Eck! Hope you're feeling better soon! :(