Thursday, September 29, 2011

Newborn Photo Shoot

So, we had "professional" photos taken of Miss M. I wasn't terribly impressed, to be honest, and here's why:

In a nutshell, I pretty much think every photographer needs a wrangler. I did the best I could with the subject, but there were some sloppy things that led to lots of photos that can't be used (the dark floor is wrinkled and glare-y, the fake trim is misaligned on some, the family shots are TERRIBLY composed). In the photographer's defense, we had a few things working against us. Miss M was a week older than suggested for these kinds of photos (read: she was fussy and not sleepy); SIR had a nasty cold AND waited in the basement with Brad for a million years until it was his turn, at which point M was awake for good and just DONE.

Whatever. You get what you pay for, I guess.

We got a few good shots of our little peanut, and that's what counts. I'm pretty sure I'll be putting both kids back in their outfits soon to take their photos myself.

See them here:

1 comment:

sjh said...

Yeah, so the photographer wasn't 'the best', for sure. And yet, there are a few golden shots that are very precious. So lovely to see you all. Sorry the event was rougher than you would have liked. xo