Friday, March 23, 2012

7 Months

Dear MJ/Lovey/Sweet Pea,

What a gift of a baby you are, my dear. You remain good-natured through thick and thin. You have smiles for everyone, even when you get short-changed on naps, or when you have to wait for a bottle, or when your brother squeezes you a little too tightly. You've turned into to a sitting-up baby, instead of a lying-down baby this month. In the past few days, you've gone from sitting up for only a few seconds, to long stretches of sitting and playing with toys. When you fall over, you try so hard to right yourself again. That'll take some time, my love. (In fact, I distinctly remember when your brother learned to sit up, I used to wonder in amazement how babies ever figure out how to get themselves to a sitting position on their own. I guess it happens eventually!) What this sitting endeavor means is that we've brought out a new batch of toys, and your play mats have become a little hazardous, as you like to pull them on top of yourself. You're fully "over" the bouncy seats because you can't sit up in them properly. You continue to adore the Jumperoo and we're getting ready to raise it up a notch. Funny that only a month ago your toes barely touched the floor, and now you stand in it flat-footed. I also think it's funny that even though you can roll over, you have absolutely no interest in doing so. Learning to sit up has eliminated the need for rolling, evidently. We still find you in your crib in the same position as when you went to sleep.

We still haven't seen any teeth pop through, even though the drooling has increased. The absence of teeth seems to be irrelevant for eating, since you're currently trying to consume everything in sight. Having enjoyed purees for a few very short weeks, you're now officially eating 98% table food, with the occasional cereal/vegetable puree thrown in. You happily nosh on bagels, noodles, any kind of soft fruit, peas, and an assortment of cereals and puffs. You make a funny sound when you eat, like an undulating hum. You're still taking four bottles per day (~24-28 oz.), but you sometimes don't finish them anymore.

You are FINALLY sleeping allllllll the way through the night. And, let me tell you, those 12-13 hour stretches are a welcome change for your tired mom. (Now if mommy could only sleep through the night...) You're taking two solid naps per day, though the morning nap is usually short-changed two days per week. And remember that pacifier you stoically gave up last month? Yeah, it's back. You have a much easier time getting to sleep for naps when you have it. And you're still able to get to sleep (and STAY asleep) at night without it! What a champ!

I think I can officially declare that your worst spit-up days are behind us. Occasionally you have a day where nothing will stay down (often when other people are taking care of you--stinker), but I've definitely washed fewer burp cloths in the last few weeks. What a relief.

Things you love:

- "Trot, Old Joe," from the Music Together collection. It's the song Big Brother uses to get you to smile. And it works like a charm every time.

- The Most Annoying Toy Ever Created. (A ball that rolls by itself when you turn it on. Which would be fine except it also TALKS and SINGS in the worst V-Tech voice you can imagine. Kill me. Then again, I only have myself to blame. I bought it.)

- Any toy of SIR's you can get your hands on. Much to his dismay.

- Tags on burp cloths.

- When your brother or your dad visits you, cribside. Your little face lights up like a beacon and you kick your legs like mad.

- Miss Mary's music class.

- Patting whomever is carrying you. I think it's just a knee-jerk reaction to having a drum like surface at your disposal, but I like to think you're patting me on purpose, snuggle bunny that you are. :)

Things you dislike:

- Avocado. (Sigh...I tried.)

- Grass. You've gotten your first few tastes--er, figuratively (for now)--of grass on your bare tootsies and hands and you were not at all amused. You actually cried. And you rarely cry about anything. Unless...

- Other distasteful foods. I can tell you really don't like something when you cry about it.

(That's a mighty short list of dislikes for such a small person.)

I love you so much, Peanut.


sjh said...

oh, my dear beautiful and handsome grandchildren. Such a gift from God. As are you and Brad. Like, like.

ahope said...

Just the sight of that ball annoys me. And yay for sleeping through the night and less puke! Although, I'm sure the next time I come over there will be a target right on the front of my brand new shirt, per usual.
Such a big girl! Auntie loves you very much.