See my fingers, not-so-artfully-photographed? Those are well-rested fingers. Why? Because Mary Poppins (in the form of my mother) showed up at my house to take care of, well, everything, while Brad was in Australia.
Thanks, Mama. The Munch and I miss you already!
Okay, fingers, let's get to work.
1 comment:
dinner cooked. check.
dishes washed. check.
dog walked. check.
baby walked. check.
dog pooped. check.
baby pooped. check.
baby bathed. check.
baby pooped again. check.
bottle given. and given. check. check.
baby hugged. rocked. read to. played with. walked. laughed at. check. and more check.
daughter loved. baby loved.
umbrella up.
love, mary popzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
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