Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Things I learned from 10:45pm-2:15am during the Munchkin's first trip to the ER:

1. Turns out, a small child with a fever between 100 and 102.9 for six days really isn't a big deal. Turns out, it can last up to two weeks, when accompanied by a cold.

2. When you call the nurse on the after hours line at the doctors' office, she will probably always tell you to "just get it checked out" at the ER, if only to cover her own butt.

3. I was "right to bring him in, though, just in case." Yeah, and I'm sure you're not sad about the co-pay either.

4. I'm proud of myself that I made it a year without having to call the after hours nurse OR take him to the ER.

5. I'm proud of myself that during our entire 2.5 hour wait to be seen, I did not once ask if it was almost our turn.

6. White sweat pants with flowered underwear are a popular fashion trend in this particular ER waiting room.

7. We should have bought the Munchkin a bead table for his birthday. He stayed awake the. entire. visit.

8. The next time I have an after hours problem, I should probably call one of my eleventy billion Aunts-Who-Are-Also-Nurses, first.

Le sigh. He's sleeping it off.

Edited: I did forget to mention the part about when The Boy saw the "Little Engine that Could" book, he pointed to the train and went, "Woo woo!!!" (Because every time we see a train--which is a lot; they go by the park frequently--we wave to the choo choo train and make the choo choo sound.)


Colleen said...

Unfortunately, we had Brendan's first ER visit at 5 days :( It's horrible, huh?

His first fever was at the end of May and it spiked to 104.3. Chris and I about had heart failure and he packed everything up to go to the ER and had Brendan in his car seat while I called the pediatrician. Yeahhhh...turned out it's just something that was going around and the pediatrician told us as long as he was eating some and playing a little bit not to worry. It's the craziest thing how fevers don't necessarily mean anything at all. That said, they are SOOOOOOO terrifying to us :( :( :( It's so easy for a pediatrician who sees this daily to be calm.

Jess said...

Hey, my guy just got sent home from daycare with a fever on Wed. The teacher's description: He was fine, he was fine, he was burning up. (And he was.) Took him home, gave him tylenol - he was fine. At bedtime the fever came back. One more dose of tylenol, the fever went away again.

But what really made it go away? I took him to the doctor's the next day just to make sure it wasn't an ear infection. Her statement was: He doesn't look/act sick... (Turns out he had a sore throat, too. Poor little guy. Why didn't he say anything? Oh yeah. Limited vocabulary.)

HHRose said...

Colleen, five days old?! Why?


(Ooh! I'm accidentally not logged into comments, so I get to play my favorite game: Word Verification! See, it's when you take your WV word and create a definition or interpretation.

WV: "Dosomog." The stuff that gives everyone in LA a sore throat. (Get it? "Da Smog." I crack myself up.))