Monday, March 30, 2009


That's the temp that my poor baby woke with today.

Which explains yesterday's experience. :o) My next clue that he might be sick? He slept for 13 straight hours. If you have read previous postings on sleep, you'll understand why this is unusual behavior for the Munch.

Here's hoping that my own headache and aversion to breakfast are just sympathy pains.


sjh said...

I thought that sounded like a sick cry I heard through the phone. Poor fellow. Rest yourself as you can. My stomach is a bit funky also.
Good to talk with you last night. It's hard being a faraway grandmimi.

Jess said...

Poor Hannah! Having a sick baby is miserable. (Even worse is when you are sick!) Tell Brad he is absolutely not allowed to be sick, too.

GAM said...

hope he's better today...