12 lbs 4 oz
25 inches tall (long?)
HC: 16 3/4
Dear Munchkin,
You are the light in my life, the spring in my step, the reason I'm still sleep-deprived. :o) You are my inquisitive, curious little George; you are adorably roly-poly. You are snips and snails and puppy-dogs' tails. You are six months old.
Things about you:
- You have taken to grabbing an object (most frequently with your right hand, to my chagrin) and flinging it into the air, as if to proclaim yourself the Statue of Liberty.
- Often, you will hold objects and twist them side to side, as though examining them from all angles like the little scientist you are.
- After three weeks of dangling like a wet mop in your Jumperoo, you finally figured out how to jump...and you insist on jumping ONLY on your right foot--well, toes, really.
- You are working very hard to only use your pacifier in the crib and the car. In fact, during cuddle time with Mommy this morning, you very deliberately plucked your paci out of your mouth, and plugged it into mine. How clever.
- You are bound and determined to drink from my glass, regardless of what's in it! Now you can anticipate the water rushing into your mouth and you make this funny little gasping noise before it gets there.
- In fact, you would like to have everything that goes in my mouth. The other day, you were so distracted by my gum-chewing that you wouldn't eat.
- You find the silliest things silly. Most recently the song that goes "That's the way, uh huh, uh huh, I like it," was profoundly hysterical. Also, basically any noise/movement/face your Dad makes cracks you up.
- And our favorite: When we put you down in your crib, you immediately smush your Pooh blanket into your face and roll to your right side....just like us.
1 comment:
What a bigger boy!
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