Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Mom is a Slacker

I guess I can't blame her too much. She's always got a lot on her plate.

However, since we've had a few activities at my house in the last few weeks that haven't been reported, I--the Munchkin--am taking over the blogging for today.

A few weeks ago, my Grandma Esther threw me a really fun party where I got to meet a bunch of her girlfriends. I tried to be on my very best behavior, and even let a few of them hold me for a while. I am increasingly aware when I'm not with my parents (my favorite people on the planet), though, so my patience with strangers has been waning, of late. Anyway, we had some really great food and cake, talked to Uncle Scott on the computer, played with Melanie the Cat, and did lots of giggling. Thanks for the great party, Grandma! (You can see photos here.)

Another fun event in my life happened a few weeks ago when Mom took me to a music class for the first time. We were "just checking things out," she told me, but I think we might sign up for regular classes starting in April. During our class, Miss Mary sang lots of songs with us, we played with balls, did some free dancing, made noise on instruments (I picked the jingle bells, of course), etc. It was a blast! My favorite part was watching all the other kids in the class, especially the ones that are older than me. Boy, that crawling, walking and running stuff looks F-U-N!!!

A few Fridays ago, we had pretty warm weather for Chicago in March. So Mom and I met her friend from high school (and her two girls) for a trip to the Lincoln Park Zoo. I was a little more aware of the animals than I was the last time. The monkeys are still my favorites, but the polar bears gave them a run for their money! I watched them swim, dive, and haul their giant bodies out of the water.

That wraps it up for now! Hopefully my Mom will get her act together to post about our recent trip to Arizona.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

munchkin, glad you are not afraid to pick up the slack...