Wednesday, March 18, 2009


We recently returned from another trip to Scottsdale, so the Munchkin could hang with his Grandpa and Grammie.

Our flights (both ways) were less than stellar. On the way out of Chicago, we hit some weather that cancelled our 1:30 PM flight. We were re-booked on the 7:00 PM flight that ultimately took off at 9:00 PM. So we took two trips to and from the airport (and give mad props to Grand Dede, who shlepped us there and back!), landed in AZ at 12:30 AM Chicago time--though, since we had just switched to Daylight Savings the night before, who had any clue what time it really was!

On the return flight, Brad and I didn't have seats together. Upon requesting this at the gate, we were told they had no ability to get us together, so Munch and I sat in a row of 3 seats, while Brad sat a few rows behind. When the occupants of the two empty seats next to me showed up, they also had an infant (named THEO, for those readers who will understand how crazy that is!!!). Three adults + 2 babies = 5 people. The flight attendant noticed this AFTER we had departed from the gate and started freaking out at us about how she was only allowed to have 4 people in a row because of the number of oxygen masks, and then frantically waved her hands at the head flight attendant to get him to stop the plane. Nice. So I calmly mention that my husband is sitting a few rows behind us and perhaps she could ask the woman next to him to switch places with me, which would solve both the oxygen mask problem and allow Brad and I to sit together. Naturally, however, she ignored the second part of the suggestion, so Brad and I ended up switching seats. What a pain.

In between these flights, however, we had a lovely time. Munch had his first experience in a pool, in a high chair, and at a baseball game (Cubs, no less!). We are noticing that he is much more aware of his surroundings, and especially when another adult (read: not me or Brad) is holding him. Evidently, in his head this translates to, "WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO TAKE ME AWAY FROM MY PARENTS?!?!?! NONONONONONONONONO!!!" And that, folks, is the quote of the month. :o)

Photo story:


Anonymous said...

Auntie's jealous!

I think your son finally makes you "COOL"!! yo yo.


Anonymous said...

Theo! Hah! :)