Friday, April 9, 2010

We (Might) Interrupt This Program

Today is another one of those days when I give serious thought to discontinuing this blog.

Before you ask--no, it's not something you said. Or didn't say. Well, not exactly. And, no, this isn't one of those lame attempts to generate a bunch of comments just for poops and giggles. And, actually, this was written several days ago.

It's not that I'm devoid of things to say (usually), and it's not that my days are filled with disinteresting events (usually). It's that I'm so fearful of speaking my mind here. And that is not the kind of blog I want to be writing. A "weblog," most commonly used as an online diary, should be a place where the author is free to express her thoughts and feelings, without regard to her audience. I am, on a daily basis, envious of bloggers like dooce and Kage, who write with what would appear to be a lack of self-consciousness, though, of course, that word in and of itself is a misnomer in this case. Because what makes them truly successful bloggers is their vast quantity of self-conciousness--the awareness of "self." And when they write in this uninhibited way, they do so in a public, un-anonymous forum (yep, before you mention it, I'm pretty sure that isn't a word). (Oh, and their real names are Heather Armstrong and Kristy Glass.)

When I blog, I am detrimentally aware of my audience. I know exactly which family members and friends requested to get an automatically generated email announcing a new post. I know the race, religion, location, and socio-economic status of almost every one of my readers (thank you, Google Analytics and--you know--just KNOWING who my readers are). I'm aware that my husband reads and has a pretty detailed opinion about how much information I share. I'm fully aware of who will be offended, bothered, or excited by every post. I can predict, almost with one hundred percent accuracy, who will comment publicly, who will send me an email with a comment, and who never comments at all. With all this information, it is nearly impossible for me to write uninhibitedly.

I have generated two possible solutions:

1. Perhaps I need one blog for family stuff (pics and video of the Munch, etc.), and one completely anonymous blog where my family members all have pseudonyms, and I wouldn't intentionally publicize it to anyone I know. Sort of like Swistle.


2. I could delete everyone from the email list, and turn off the comments.

The second solution would leave me without the knowledge of who is reading and what they think, while the first solution would probably just leave me without readers. Here's the weird thing, though. I like an audience. That's no secret, really. After all, I am an actor and a teacher. If I thought no one was reading, I'd probably stop writing. And I do keep coming back to the original reason I started this blog in the first place. But I also acknowledge two things that have changed for me. One is that I read many more blogs than I did when I started writing my own. Therefore, I have a heightened awareness of what others are writing about, and that often inspires my own posts--many of which I don't end up posting because of the info in paragraph two. The other major thing that has changed is, well, my life. I have fewer creative outlets than when I was working outside the home. I have fewer adults I interact with on a daily basis. I am more in tune with politics, the blogosphere, social networking, etc. And, oh yeah, I'm now a parent. In other words, I have more to talk about.

I suppose there is a third solution: FREAKING GROW A PAIR. See now, I offended you and you, and YOU have no idea what that expression I right? As Yente would say, "Of course right."

(Yeah, you're going to need to look up that reference, aren't you?)


sjh said...

1. I hate being predictable. It's a pet peeve of mine.
2. I would be sad if you stopped blogging.
3. I would like to hear you speak your mind. Even if I disagree with what you say. Who knows? You might even change mine.
4. You have a pair. (well, that is, a different pair).
5. Use them.

Anonymous said...

We have a lot in common!!

Don't stop blogging. I enjoy reading what you have to say...even if I don't always comment. Please don't go!


Maureen said...

Did you guess that I would comment publicly? I love your blog. I love it a lot. I will be sad if you stop and I have to remove it from my "most visited". You are truly gifted and should share your wit and creativity with all of us who enjoy your thoughts. :)

Aunt Martha said...

please don't never offend me.(i have a pair)
i would miss this blog if it went's the only one i read.
love you han..

Kage said...

Ok so I don't usually read the comments, but are you getting some harshee emails?

I'm pretty sure there are people out there reading my blog who have come to hate me for what I write. I'm totally ok with that. People hate the real me, so why no the cyber me too?

Writing is good. Words come so much easier when I don't have to use my tonuge and teeth.

Re: audience.
I no longer have a tracker on my blog, it's kinda liberating. I have no idea who comes to visit since I switched forums.

I used the tracker mostly to see the spike of hits when I guest-posted on design mom...that was fun.

Why don't you come to blogher with me? Maybe it will help you get some direction for your blog?

My blog has saved my husband now always knows what's going on with me. FYI, my marriage wasn't REALLY in any's just helped.

I'm aware of the years coming up with the kiddos, I don't want them to ever feel uncomfortable with what I post about myself or them....Phoebz actually has her own private blog, so in a way, I think it's teaching her a good lesson on being open, sharing...which I think is healthy.

Maybe, I should write a blogpost. To: Hannah.

ooh...maybe you could set up rules for yourself or formats that you each day of the week is assigned to a certain area of blogland, and parts of your personal life are totally off limits. I am sure it's hard to believe, but I do not share EVERYTHING on my blog........

random enough for you?

Jess said...

I SO don't have to look up that reference. With you having a kid and me having a kid - how in the world would I know how you're doing?

If you (or any blogger) offends me, I'm empowered enough not to read your blog. I'll cope. It would take a lot to offend me. Good luck on that. :-)

ahope said...

(Oh, and I like Dad's advise about the tsp...HAHaHahahaha!!!)

Swistle said...

It really is a weird way to expose oneself to criticism, and I think we all wonder sometimes if we should stop. I usually wonder it right after I've been criticized. Or when I see in my stats that there are, like, 30 people from my immediate geographical area who are reading, and who knows if they know we live close or not?