Monday, May 25, 2009

By George, I Think He's Got It!

We bought the Munchkin this toy several months ago, even though it has the sounds/lights feature that I'm quickly starting to loathe in all toys.

(When he plays with me, those features are almost always turned off. Daddy, on the other hand, is a different story. ;o) )
Anyway, until recently, he admired the roll-around balls, and had figured out the button, but today was the first time he actually got the hang of the whole shebang.

So, enjoy the video--footage compliments of Brad--and I'm going to go work on some sort of witty commentary to include on this blog. I just trolled my own recent posts and realized there's a whole lot of pictures and videos, and not much else. YAWN.

1 comment:

sjh said...

That is a riot. Isn't it amazing that the actions we do without even thinking are so astounding to see accomplished in a little one. I just love watching the growth, seeing the wheels turn, or in this case...the balls roll...
and by the way, when I used to say, "By George," your grandfather used to say, in his gruff voice, "By Edward George, you mean."
A fond remembrance.