Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hannah is...

Sometimes I feel like my life is one long string of Facebook Status Updates. A random sampling from today:

Hannah is thankful the dog (evidently) likes beans and thus prevented her from cleaning them up from under the high chair.

Hannah has never used the big bathtub for the baby until tonight. He expressed his excitement by both pooping and puking in it.

Hannah's baby needs to run around a park to dispel some of his energy. This is problematic since he can't walk yet.

Hannah is very glad the vegetarians didn't accidentally chow down on the chicken-supposed-to-be-eggplant-parmesan sandwiches at the party.

Hannah is committed to starting a 2-week meat-free diet...tomorrow. Today she will enjoy leftover mini Italian beef sandwiches.

Hannah just tried to do a pretty pirouette in her living room after watching "So You Think You Can Dance." Nope, still ugly. And her extension still sucks.

Hannah wonders how long she can go without sterilizing the pacifiers before it's considered child abuse.


sjh said...

Sometimes I feel like my life is one big 'comment' in return.
1. miss the dog cleaning up after me, so enjoy the gift.
2. hate puke. hate poop. together, help.
3. you could put him on a leash and drag him around, but I suppose that is out of the question.
4. chicken is preferable to eggplant to this non-veg.
5. diet away. i'm trying to fast. no luck. at s'more last night.
6. practice.
7. who sterilizes their pacifiers after 6 mos. that's what hot water is for. (or your mouth...shh)


ahope said...

...vegetarians always check the "goods" before dispensing them in their mouths, just to be safe. No harm done, the vege-friendly food was plentiful and savory! Thank you for being thoughtful of us with your selections.