Friday, February 12, 2010

The Times...They are a Changin'

As you may or may not recall, I'm a huge reader of other blogs. I use Bloglines to keep track of all my readings. Usually, I click on the title of the blog and read the posts there, rather than in the reader (the actual Bloglines site), but lately--since I'm waaaay behind--I've been reading in the reader (starting to sound convoluted) because it can sort the posts from oldest to newest. (If you're confused, it's because you haven't used Bloglines or care about readers. Skip to the next post.)

THEN I realized that my own blog wouldn't allow me to do such a thing because I have been writing "expandable posts," (where you have to click on the "read more" link). So we're going to try an experiment: no more clicking on "read more." You're welcome! or Sorry! depending on your preference.

Happy Hallmark Holiday Weekend!


HHRose said...

Ha! Except that I haven't actually been able to delete the "read more" link, yet. Stay tuned.

HHRose said...


Jess said...
