Thursday, February 11, 2010


I was recently informed by our friends, "Huey's Mom and Dad," that evidently we've started a little Super Bowl Celebration tradition--completely without realizing it!

For the third year in a row, The K's and the R's spent Sunday evening together, with our boys who are--you'll remember--eight days apart in age. It was incredible to see them play together so nicely, especially since The Munchkin is notoriously opposed to sharing his toys of late.

My Grizzly Adams and Son (and yes...I LOVE the beard!)

True to football form, The Munch got himself quite the shiner when he tried to tackle our bed frame. You know it's bad when it's turned blue before you can even pick him up to comfort him. Ouch.

The boys.


Auntie G said...

HA HA HA! The last one is true to form and so funny: "What? We're not doing anything naughty..."

Love the pix.

Anonymous said...

oh ok--now I see more of the grizzly husband. I like it. Do you?