Monday, September 22, 2008

Poop Between the Toes

(Don't worry--no photos with this post).

I would like to pay homage to our first official Diaper Blowout. One day, we will have the opportunity to torture our son with things like pictures of his first bath and dressing up in mommy's high heels (come on, it's bound to happen)...and to those things, I'd like to add the memory of The Blowout.

You know it's bad when there is poop between the toes. And on the hands, therefore, also in the hair. And in (on, soaking through, on the other side of) the pants, therefore, also on the onesie and the thighs and the knees, and therefore, also on the belly--though not IN the newly healed belly button. Whew.

And all of this occurred approximately 12.4 seconds after coming out of the bathtub, and 6.7 seconds before Daddy walked in the door for lunch, to the tune of Mommy yelling, "Oh my! Oh no! Oh....MAN."

At least his digestive track is on track. (Snort.)


Kage said...

wow....that is a blow-OUT. My newborn version of that was when the poop just wouldn't stop. I went through 4 diapers in about 2 minutes, b/c I kept thinking she was all done. And in between 2 and 3, she pooped all over MY leg....I think I had it up on the sofa, and she was lying on a changing pad....that was gross.

sjh said...

I personally think all bodily fluid dialogue should quickly cease and desist, for the following reasons:

A. Otherwise, we're going to have a conversation about projectile vomiting and you really don't want to hear those stories, do you?
I think it best for you to imagine that this is the worst you'll ever clean up. Leave the hunks for another year.

B. I have a very weak stomach and...well, see A for details.

Mimi-the mother who is glad to forget some childhood memories

Anonymous said...

Be very happy that it happened at home. Our worst one - my daughter had just been unloaded from the car. She could see the Fourth of July festivities down the block and was VERY EXCITED *runrunrunrunjumpjumprunrunrun* I lifted my son's car seat out of the car and noticed his finger were yellow.

I vaguely wondered what he could have gotten into that was yellow...until I saw his pants...and shirt...heck, the whole car seat was yellow.

I put my daughter in charge of handing me one wipe at a time (to keep her from running off.) Half a box later - we were yellow free, at which point my Mom magically appeared. Timing, you see, is everything.

For the record - I had given him a new diaper just before he got in the car for a two minute car trip.

Anonymous said...

as someone above glad it happened at home.
mine and laura's was in the bank where i thought i'd only be a few minutes, therefore, no diapers, wipes etc.......and still had to open that checking account!