Saturday, September 27, 2008


I like to consider myself open-minded. Since the Presidential debates have only just begun, and since I have yet to formally hear from the V.P. candidates, I'm officially listing my voter status as "Undecided"....unofficially.

Since this is the case, it would appear slightly partisan for me to include this moving piece of art on a family-centered blog, but--as it happens--it was drawn by a good friend, and I'd like to honor his talent. In case your computer's resolution doesn't do it justice, what you're looking at is an ink rendering of Senator Obama, created exclusively with the words, "Handsome One," a translation of "Hussein," which is Barack's middle name and the title of the piece. In case you're interested, Ian Simmons' work is available for purchase by clicking here.

In the interest of fairness, I probably should have included some McCain art as well, but, darn it all...I just couldn't find any.

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