For the first time in quite a few years, all my siblings were together this year, with our significant others, and our parents, and--naturally--little Munchkin.
Brad, Munchkin and I headed for Mimi and Papa's house in Livonia early on Christmas Eve. A lovely church service included the blessing of Ethan's music, and a beautiful message given by our very own Mimi. The whole gang gathered at the house after church for a rousing (among other things) game of Celebrity and a multitude of merriment.
Our Christmas Day was lazy, relaxing, entertaining, and yummy. I am including ALL the photos this time, which I almost never do, because I think it truly gives a flavor of our gift-opening fun, and the overwhelming sense of love and joy in the room. The adults participated in a (Not-So)Secret-Santa this year, and it was fun to buy for each other, and to see what everyone chose to gift. Of particular amusement were the gifts exchanged between Ethan and Mimi, who had drawn each other's names: matching iPods. Surprise! Our favorite gift for Munchkin was a Bumbo seat from Mimi and Papa. He LOVES sitting in it to observe the world. He also got a this great onesie from Auntie Abigail and Uncle Andy.

One highlight of our trip was having Papa babysit the little one while Brad and I went on a date to see "Australia." Actually, Mimi, Naomi and her friend were there, too, but we had taken separate cars and sat separately at the theatre--aren't we funny. We also did a little Target shopping, saw "Benjamin Button" in two shifts, drank lots of coffee, stayed in PJs VERY late, laughed and giggled, talked and talked and talked and talked.
It was a very Merry Christmas, indeed!
What? No mention of Fill or Bust, "The Greatest Family Game Ever!"
Just a warning....I put Tommy, my then 5 month old, in the bumbo on our kitchen table to watch his big brother eat, which was the only thing that would make him happy that day. I was in the same room and watched my crazy baby boy throw himself out of the bumbo, onto the kitchen table and then fall the 3+ feet onto the floor face down. It was terrifying and resulted in an ER trip, cat scan, a swollen bloody nose, and an incredibly guilty mama. All is good, but hope it doesn't happen to anyone else!
Looks like you had a great Christmas with your adorable boy! Happy New Year!
Yikes, E. Nasty story....we'll be careful! Thanks for the warning.
You're not the only one. They just had a recall for Bumbos that essentially gives you a sticker to put on the Bumbo that says, "
Never leave your baby unattended. Never use on a raised or
uneven surface, as a car seat, in a bath or in other water.
BumboTM should only be used on a flat ground level surface.
Do not use until your baby is fully able to support its head."
I can vouch for the water thing. Turns out - they float. Oops!
My son LOVES his Bumbo and now when he gets put in his bouncy seat, he keeps trying to sit up like he does in the Bumbo. Sorry, kid.
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