Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 TMIs

Some of us have done this on Facebook, some have received it in an email forward, and some have blatantly ignored it.

Here's mine, if you haven't read it yet.

1. I don't actually think I'm interesting enough to list 25 things, but we'll see.
2. I eat popcorn several times per week, but it used to be every day.
3. I would rather eat dirt than go to the grocery store, especially on a Saturday.
4. I love Wii MarioKart.
5. I won an all-expenses-paid vacation to Mexico in September of 2001, and returned two days before 9-11.
6. I have a belly button so deep it can hold about an ounce of water...and it's only gotten bigger since pregnancy.
7. I would Botox the heck out of my face in a heartbeat if a) I could afford it and b) I could still make facial expressions (Tamara from "Real Housewives of OC??" Anybody?? No??)
8. I watch some trashy TV (see #7).
9. When I was around 4 years old, I wanted to be a "log thrower" when I grew up.
10. I used to think gay people were only in the movies.
11. I can recite the alphabet backward in under 3 seconds.
12. I still add numbers using my fingers.
13. I came in second place for my middle school spelling bee, two years in a row (lost on "material" and "necessary" and haven't misspelled those words since).
14. I won my 1st grade spelling bee and kept the trophy until I graduated from high school.
15. I am not a saver. As in, I throw EVERYTHING away. See #14.
16. I once ate an entire cake in one day. It was white with chocolate frosting.
17. I think holding grudges is a waste of time and energy, so I only hold one. ;o)
18. I have to make my bed every single day because I don't like the idea of dirt getting in my sheets.
19. I am addicted (and NOT in a good way) to Vaseline Lip Therapy. And they just stopped making it.
20. I once won a game of "flippy cup" that was girls against guys.
21. I regret that I don't play violin anymore. One of this year's resolutions is to pick it up again.
22. One of my (many) guilty pleasures is stalking Broadway stars on the "Talkin' Broadway" website.
23. I cry almost every day.
24. I have 25 first cousins, two of whom I have never met.
25. There are at least 25 other things I should be doing right now.

If you want to play along, you could comment with one or two of your own (don't feel obligated). Thanks for the idea, Mom.

1 comment:

sjh said...

yes, but do you know the buzzard song?

I share the slick lip addiction, the throwing away everything syndrome, and try hard not to watch trashy tv. I can't even say the alphabet forwards in 3 seconds, and I have grown accustomed to unmade beds and dusty sheets on my day off. Tears? used to be always. Not I reserve them for special occasions.