Friday, February 20, 2009

The Wicked Stage

Unlike some of my friends, I don't audition much.

In fact, in 2008 through now, I have gone on three auditions and been cast once. Which means, obviously, that I have NOT been cast twice. The most recent episode just happened a few days ago. I marvel at the fact that the rejection process never...ever...gets easier. Sure, certain losses of parts are easier to handle than others, whether you're doing it because you want to spend time with your friends, or whether it's a new group for you. Whether it's a role you're not quite sure you can handle, or whether it's one you think was practically written for you. In the case of this particular show, it is one that comes around every hundred years or so, due to the technical difficulties. So, if you're doing the math and simultaneously realizing that 129 years of age is a bit of a stretch for me to play Dot in "Sunday in the Park With George," you've also realized that I probably just lost my one and only shot at that role.

In any case, I've decided there are two solutions to this problem. 1: Go on more auditions to take the sting out of the ones I don't get. or 2: Stop auditioning altogether.

Stay tuned, I guess, to see which choice I'll make.


Kage said... didn't get Dot?


don't give up. Actually, the sting does go away a bit....but CERTAIN ones...yeah it will sting no matter.

HHRose said...

So, friends, upon re-reading this, it certainly reads less light-hearted than I had intended. I'm not ready to jump off a bridge over's not THAT big a deal. Mostly, I just want to keep all y'all updated on the happenings over here. :o)

sjh said...

Well, I'm rooting for another production of this to spring up.
Katherine could do a fabulous job of this show!

I vote for 'keep auditioning.' Why not?

They don't know what they turned down. You are terrific.

Jess said...

Don't you dare give up auditioning. First of all, it would be a waste of talent and B, you'll go crazy without doing a show every so often.