I've decided that I'm tired of my mom always talking for me.
And I've got a few things I wanna say. So, here goes.
A few days ago, my best bud came over to play with me and my mom. His parents couldn't come with him, so they just left him at my house. I know....it sounds crazy. But now that I think of it, my parents did exactly the same thing to me a few times. Huh. Anyway, while he was here, he showed me how to use my new Jumperoo the right way (my feet don't touch the ground yet), and he drank his milk from a bottle (sucker!) in my crib, which seemed like a really weird place to eat--but whatever.
Wanna know the best part of all? The very next day he came over again to watch the Super Bowl. This time he brought his parents, which I guess is okay. Get this: after he had his milk for dinner, his mom put this long plastic thing in his mouth that had some stuff on it that IT LOOKED LIKE SOME KIND OF FOOD! What?! Now I feel like my parents are keeping this ginormous secret from me. You can eat things besides milk?! I'll have to explore this. Stay tuned.
that is tooooooo cute!
OMG I love this. I think my favorite part is how the Munchkin reaches with purpose, and our boy Huey is like accidentally flailing about for a while before he figures out his buddy is right there! Well...we know who will be the brains and who will be the brawn, eh? >;) Thanks for posting this -- I hope it's the first of many hilarious video moments with these boys. Huey's daddy loved it!
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