Weight: 11 lbs, 11 oz (And a little extra--3 oz gained in 2 weeks. Popeye would be proud!)
Dear Munchkin,
I think that this month will be less rocky for us. Last month, we were consumed with sleep-training (still are), weight gain (still are), travel...and it was all a little crazy. I feel a little better equipped to deal with the challenges that this month will no doubt bring.
You continue to amaze me with all of your new "skills," and the wonder with which you approach daily life. Among them:
- You've begun to explore my face with your hands. It reminds of me of my favorite scene in the movie, "Hook," where one of the Lost Boys is trying to figure out if Peter (Robin Williams) is really Peter. I can almost hear you asking, "Are You My Mother?"...which is a favorite children's book of mine.
- You are quite the roly-poly being. With the help of my foot, you'll catapult to your stomach, but have only accomplished it completely on your own, once (and are eluding the camera with that trick!).
- To that end, however, you've finally gotten more mobile in your crib. Last night your dad and I found you sleeping exactly perpendicular to where you started.
- You are adept at passing toys from one hand to the other, and swiftly into your mouth. I find it amusing, however, that you're pretty intolerant of how these foreign objects taste. You prefer your fingers over all else.
- Speaking of fingers, one new habit is sucking them "backward," so your palm faces the ceiling. Creative.
- You're now completely fascinated with another presence: Oliver. You pet him, watch him, (almost) roll over to track his whereabouts, and patiently allow him to lick your hands. Ew.
- My favorite moment of last month, hands down, was watching you at your first musical, "Finding Nemo." That you were AWARE of what was happening on stage was a sight to see. Naturally, your dad and I are thrilled that you responded so exuberantly to your first show!
All my love,
What a total picture of joy. I love this picture of the boy.
Kiss that face for me.
"Oh there you are Peter!"
You know what's funny? I went to college with the guy that played that part.
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