Saturday, February 14, 2009

Gerber Baby

With all of Munchkin's weight gain issues, we decided it couldn't hurt to try some rice cereal--even though he's not yet 6 months old (and those of you who know me well can imagine how much it pains me to "break the rules").

Here is his reaction to wearing the bib. Less than impressed.

The first bite.

The second bite. And all subsequent bites garnered the same which time we decided to try again tomorrow.

Day 2.

It's not easy to feed a baby that prefers to eat his hands.

But after making a big mess...

...we finally had some success!

Oh, and for those of you who are still concerned, his weight is steadily (though slowly) increasing. All is well. :o)

1 comment:

sjh said...

Oh I love that little guy. I just want to squeeze him. When he smiles, he fairly twinkles in his eyes.
He is so precious. Missing you guys so much.
the grandmere