Monday, July 27, 2009

Protest Shmotest*

*Contains adult content

Last week's Billy Joel/Elton John concert began with a startling surprise. And not in a good way. I want to get this part of the experience off my chest first, because overall it was a wonderful evening, but this was not a great way to start. And I'm a little fired up about this (still), so I'm not going to be able to write with my usual wit and charm (insert rolling eyes and sarcasm HERE). The next post will be a bit more cheery (cheerier? sounds like cereal), I promise.

When we approached the gates of Wrigley Field, where the concert was held, we were stunned to see protesters across the street, touting some pretty offensive signs. Here's a random sampling:

- God Hates Fags
- Gays Go Home
- You Will Eat Your Babies (um, huh?)
- Jews, This is Not Your Land (Billy Joel is Jewish? Who knew? (Who cares?))

As my friend commented (sarcastically), "I love it when people use the Bible to spread hatred."

Amen, sistah.

(I'm turning off the comments on this one. These sort of posts tend to attact The Crazies. No need to spread the hatred any further.)