Last week we took a family (and I mean FAMILY) vacation to Lake Ontario, in New York State.
For those readers unrelated to me, my mother comes from a family of eight children, six of whom were present at this "reunion," with their children and some with their childrens' children. If you're keeping track, that means I got to play with my husband, son, mom, sister, aunts, uncles, 1st cousins and 1st cousins once-removed (did I get that right, Aunt Barbara?). Some of us (read: me) are quite emphatic that we refer to ourselves correctly. :o)
The last time Brad and I visited this particular spot, which was five years ago, he proposed! This was a very sentimental trip for us both, even if he was only able to stay for a few days. (Oh, and that's why there aren't many good photos. Brad is the family photographer, when we're out of the house. I'm really terrible at remembering to actually TAKE pictures, though I'm great at remembering to pack the camera. Also, this will be the last trip I take with ye olde point-and-shoot. It just doesn't cut the mustard in comparison to our Canon Rebel SLR.)
Anyway...Things I Learned/Was Reminded of on Vacation:
1. My lack of knowledge of American history and geography is offensively horrendous. I am reminded of this every time I play Trivial Pursuit.
2. It sometimes takes two hair-washings to eradicate the smell of a campfire.
3. The campfire smell is completely worth it if it yields S'Mores. Which it should. Always.
4. Cottage floors are gross--doesn't matter how often you clean them. I know because I have washed all the Munch's clothing TWICE, with SHOUT and with OXYCLEAN, and I can still see dirt in his shirts. Ew.
5. I better have more babies because I actually felt awkward holding my little 1stCOR (1st Cousin Once Removed), Mary-Grace, who is four weeks old. She felt all floppy and stuff, and I was afraid I might break her.
6. Photos of the sunset are cool. Um, let me rephrase: The first 10 photos of the sunset are cool. After that, you go blind.
7. The Trolley has the best soft-served ice cream anywhere in the USA--so far.
8. Between all of us, we can now navigate the entire Henderson Harbor/Henderson/Stony Pointe/Sacket's Harbor/Watertown/Pulaski (pronounced Pula-sky, for you Chicagoans)/Syracuse Airport area by car, boat, kayak, and possibly small plane, if Uncle Tom is around.
9. My Aunt Jody thinks The Munch should refer to her as "Grey Aunt Jody." (Get it? Instead of "Great Aunt Jody?") I'm pretty sure she stands alone in her wishes.
10. Poop should never be stirred. (For you, Aunt Nancy.)
Enjoy the photos! Thanks to Cousin Marah for sharing some of hers, too.
Laughed out loud several times!! Thanks for the fun read. Still working on getting through all the pics. It's moving slowly tonight. Would you believe I don't have a single sunset shot?!
seriously, Brad...what were you thinking with that ice cream?
Oh, you can have some of our sunset shots. Really. Of course, you guys are on the wrong side of the lake, bout sunRISE shots? ;o)
Lord knows I was up early enough to have plenty of those!
i'm almost afraid to ask why poop shouldn't be stirred.....and how you came to this realization.
Oh, GAM, you'll have to ask your sister, Nancy, about that one.
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