Sunday, September 19, 2010

C25K Update: Week 2

Week 2: 5 minute warmup followed by intervals of 90 seconds of running and 2 minutes of walking (30 min total).

Run 1: I'm not gonna lie...that extra 30 seconds of running feels like an eternity. Anticipating some soreness tomorrow.

Run 2: Ack. Forgot to make notes immediately after it, so I can't really remember much except that running on top of acorns makes me fearful of twisted ankles.

Run 3: I got off my schedule by two days this week. (Lest you think I'm a total slacker, I did replace it with about eight hours of cardio-heavy gardening with my mom.) So I completed Week 2 two days behind schedule. Ironically, today's run felt the best of the six so far. I felt like I could keep running after each 90 second running interval was completed. Yay! And the weather is still beautiful. Double yay!

On to Week Three!

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