Monday, November 3, 2008

The Elephant or the Donkey

Tomorrow is Election Day, and no, I'm not here to pander.

Since I live in Illinois, I frequently hear comments like, "Well, we live in a blue state, so it doesn't really matter if I vote or not." It's certainly true that the Presidential campaign trail seems to run cold in states like ours, and I have often wished to live in Ohio or Florida, just to get a little attention. But I try not to let these sentiments dissuade me from showing up to the polls. After all, not all elections are for Presidents--including this one. I haven't forgotten to check out the issues surrounding our local races; and I never just vote the straight ticket without doing plenty of research.

Tomorrow, Bradley, Munchkin and I will all go to our voting facility together. It is a family tradition I hope to continue until Munchkin is old enough to vote, himself...even if we're still living in this "blue" state. Regardless of the outcome, voting is our right, our privilege, and--most importantly--our responsibility.

Make your own mark on this historic election. Go vote.

(Composed on 10/26/08)