Thursday, November 6, 2008

Feeling Bookish

It's never too early to start reading!

A couple of our current favorites:

- "That's Not My Puppy" (Usbourne)
- "The Going-to-Bed Book" (Boynton)
- "Nursery Rhymes" (published by Priddy Books)

The latter is particularly special because it comes with a recording of each nursery rhyme set to music...and the singer is English. So we now have a lovely collection of nursery rhymes sung by a poor man's Julie Andrews. Many of you know that it is a secret dream of mine for my children to speak in English accents. This is a great start! ;o)

"Here we go round the 'mool-bree' bush..."

One of the books on our wish list is "Gallop," by Rufus Butler Seder (what a name!). We saw it at a children's boutique in the city, but were convinced we could find it cheaper elsewhere. He uses "scanimation" to tell his animal story. When I was a kid, we used to call these "holograms." You know, that plastic-y stuff that shows one picture when you hold it still, and another when you change the angle slightly? Seder's book is comprised entirely of these pictures. Way cool.

At this rate, I'm sure Munchkin will be reading in no time--being brilliant and all. ;o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My daughter loves Gallop! My Mom bought it for her. She reads it at Grandmas a bunch.