Saturday, November 15, 2008


Yesterday, I went to chemo; not for myself, but to keep a friend company through her 5 hour treatment. This is her second time battling breast cancer. As we were leaving the hospital, I commented to her that I was completely stunned by the number of people receiving treatment at this hospital, in this city, on this day. Cancer, unfortunately, is everywhere.

So, while I'm one month late for official breast cancer awareness, I'm still going to try to raise some anyway. Fellow blogger, Kage, has organized a LoveScarf project out of NYC. Please consider knitting or crocheting a scarf (or hat) that will be donated to a cancer patient at New York Presbyterian Hospital. Email Kage for a mailing address: kristy at kristyglass dot com.

If you can't do that, perhaps you can find another way to donate your time or love to cancer patients and survivors in your area. Visit Avon or Susan G. Komen for the Cure for more information.

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