Saturday, November 22, 2008

A New Verse... "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush."

Right after "This is the way we wash our clothes," we'll add,
"This is the way we torture the baby, torture the baby, torture the baby.
This is the way we torture the baby so early in the morning."

What the video doesn't really pick up is that every time you blow in his face, he takes a sharp breath in, almost as though he's drowning in air.

Mean mommy.

For the record, Dad was holding the camera. :o)


Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! And if I didn't know better I would think that was me laughing the background.

sjh said...

This is the way we call Social Services, call Social Services, call...
oxygen torment. the new child abuse!! So hysterical, but watch out, he might just puke all that air back out.

HHRose said...

Oh my gosh, Marah, you're totally right!!! Must be a Millard gene thing.

Anonymous said...

I'm coming for some good ol' fashioned "blow time" this Friday! Wait, That didn't sound right....