Friday, August 21, 2009


He always waves goodbye when I put him down for bed in his crib. It's definitely the sweetest thing I've ever seen him do, so far. In fact, he always transitions better from one activity to another when he can "wave bye bye" to it. When we were at the zoo a few days ago, we had to "wave bye bye" to each group of animals as we moved on, so as to prevent the tears and wild leg waving that currently accompanies a temper tantrum. Unfortunately for me, it took an hour before I discovered that grand trick.

He always dumps the contents of any container he runs across. One would think it was his mission in life to Ensure that All Things are Empty at All Times.

Anywhere we go, I can be assured that he will always point at any plant that we find. He always wants to touch it, and always appears to regret it.

He always, always, always tries to chase Oliver around the house and whack him on the head. (This is displeasing to Oliver.) (Hey! Possible eureka moment! Is whacking things on the head his way of showing affection??? Discuss.)

He always points to the picture of Brad in our room and says, "DaDA?" Now, the jury is still out on whether or not he actually knows it's a picture of his dad and is actually labeling that human as "DaDA?," or if he calls all pictures of humans, "DaDA?" (And always with a question mark. This kid hasn't met the period, yet.)

He always wants to play with "Carol" as soon as he is released from the prison we call a crib. Now, um, I have to tell you who Carol is. Carol is a doll. A very manly, hard-plastic, bobble-head, evidently female doll, modeled after the principle Wild Thing in the new "Where the Wild Things Are" movie (given to Brad by the fine folks at Warner Bros.)--but a doll, nonetheless. I'm secretly thrilled. Don't tell anyone, but I'd love for my kids to shoot giant holes through the gender rules surrounding toys. He wants a toy kitchen? He gets a toy kitchen. (Oh, and while we're on the subject, would someone please explain to me why the only current model of the Fisher-Price Little People castle is PINK? Now only girls can play with castles? What happened to the awesome gray castle I had as a kid that has a secret hiding place behind the stairs, and a trap door, and a dungeon. What's so GIRLIE about that?!?!)

I digress.

He always wants to play with the grown-up toys that have buttons. Cell phones, laptops, remotes, car key remotes, Wii controllers, shirts, pants. I hear this is particularly common in boys. Must be foreshadowing of activities to come. (Kidding about the shirts and pants part. Wanna make sure My Internet is paying attention.)

The End.

(Sorry...just ran out of words. That happens on Fridays. Have a great weekend, Internet!)

1 comment:

Kage said...

Waving goodbye to the playground was a great tool of days gone by.