Thursday, August 20, 2009

The American Dream?

Last night I dreamt that we had to move back in with my mom. Except she didn't live in her house, but in a tiny, two bedroom apartment. We spent most of the dream trying to find a place to store The Munch's Jumperoo (dream imitates life).

In the next segment, I was back in the classroom, except my music classes would be held in a 3rd grade classroom (while their classes were continuing), with some sort of reading/math support happening in the back of the room; AND my former DePaul professor (Dr. Smith, for those in the know)--who lost his office--would now have his desk in my room. And I received all this information 30 minutes before teaching my first class....of 3rd graders...the only grade I've never taught.

Incidentally, the school segment isn't too far removed from the current situation at the school from which I'm on my second year of "Parental Leave." They have an assistant principal for the first time, which requires a new office, which requires a new location for a conference room, which requires a new location for the desk of--you guessed it--the music teacher. An additional section of 2nd grade means converting a special ed classroom into a regular ed classroom, which requires knocking down walls and rewiring electricity, which ALMOST meant sending--you guessed it--the music teacher out of the classroom and onto a cart.

This stay-at-home mom thing is lookin' pretty good right about now. But I still miss the smell of brand new dry erase markers, and the fresh-faced look of terror excitement on the faces of the Kindergartners.

Welcome to another year, teachers. I miss you!


Colleen said...

Unbelievable. I assume you're talking about Wa, and not Ro, right? Brian and I are now placed on the stage (again...), and we also have teachers sharing classrooms now. At this point, I'm hoping that something happens by the time #2 comes along that I can stay home, since going part-time clearly wasn't a real option. Margaret and I definitely miss you at our meetings!!! By the way, isn't it time for another play date sometime soon?

Colleen said...

Aaaaaaaand we had a 4th grade just split. Now our lounge is a storage closet.

HHRose said...

Yes, Wa. Haven't been in touch with the other...cause I JUST DON'T CARE. And I'm NOT BITTER that I had to teach in that HEART OF DARKNESS for FOUR YEARS, and that it SUCKED OUT THE DESIRE TO EVER TEACH 5TH GRADERS AGAIN. (ahem)

Also, shut up! A storage closet! Get Fred on that, immediately!

Alice said...

man... i went to school in a farmhouse (literally!) where we would end up having classes out in barns when there wasn't enough room. but i mean, sure it was a barn with no heat or electricity or plumbing, but at least it was SPACIOUS. also, no one was pretending it was a viable place to permanently hold a class...!