Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New Game: Head-Butting

Yes, it is official. My child has morphed from a Gender-Non-Specific baby to an Enjoys-Mild-Violence-BOY. His new game is head-butting me. It's actually quite cute. When I'm holding him facing me, he just slightly leans in and WHAPs me on the head. And then he does it again...and again...and, oh okay, so I'm playing along by this point, too. The giggle-fest it sparks is a little irresistible. The first time it happened was an accident, as Brad and I have been teaching him to give us kisses (which he does by opening his mouth like he's going to eat a grape, and moving it in the general direction of our chins). Evidently, the mistake was hilarious. That was four days ago.

I noticed today that I have a tiny sore spot on my forehead. Whoops.

1 comment:

sjh said...

'quite cute.' hmm. Let's revisit that phrase when he head-butts another kindergartner.