Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Doh! Someone Gave Him Playdoh!

Please enjoy The Munchkin's first experience with Playdoh.

Say what you will, but at least he thinks out of the box. Oh, and he has LITERALLY been doing this all day. I've hardly seen him. And evidently, this activity requires too much concentration for talking.


sjh said...

Holy smokes, Batman. It did give me a few thoughts.
a) Time for blocks.
b) Or just set him loose on your canned goods cupboard.
c) I believe those skills are excellent practice for either surgery or conducting.
d) Just imagine what he will do when he realizes he can open the cans. Hope you capture that footage.

GAM said...

fabulous start to my day! thanks!

Auntie G said...

Thank GOD I'm not the only one with an obsessive toddler. At our we are putting things IN things! And stacking! And then taking them out again! And then putting them in! REPEAT :)

Auntie G said...

Our house, that is.