(* If you don't get the joke, too bad for you, and you might as well just skip this whole post.)
Kathy Griffin came to town on her book tour, and I went--with some fabulous friends--to meet her and get a signed copy.
Here she is making her infamous "Suck It" face, by request. And I'm supposed to be making it, too, except I was all nervous and stuff, so now in my one and only photo with Kathy Griffin, I look like I'm sucking a lemon through a straw. At least it's more interesting than the cliche "pose and smile" photo:
Holy High Heels, Batman!
Just missed another....er....infamous pose:
I was 15th in line. Which is why you can actually read her signature:
Ooh! So! There was a completely crazy/crazed fan who was first in line. We'll call her "Pink Lady." While we were waiting, she was going on and on (to the Border's staff, who also thought she was nuts) about the fact that they had put the signing table up on a tall stage, so when they took her picture you wouldn't be able to see her (Pink Lady) because she's so short, and maybe Kathy would show up "in a mood" and demand to have the stage removed, or "maybe Tom and Tiffany would be, like, ix-nay on the age-stay." She also announced to the group that this was the "biggest day of her life," and I wondered what her husband would have thought of that, were he there to hear it. (Wedding band. I notice these things.) Anyway, she was worth the price of admission, so to speak.
Oh, and someone brought a box of wine for Kathy's mom. Awesome.
That's awesome. All of it.
LOVE her!!!
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