Friday, October 2, 2009

Words that End with "K"

That's the name of the game, today. The little man gets a little obsessive about certain things, and today's thing is the K sound.

Dack? (Not a word, but it's what he said today instead of his usual, "Dat?")

He opened a book about farms, turned to the page with a photo of the dairy truck, pointed to it and CLEAR AS DAY said, "Truck?" This was after we watched the garbage truck munch a mattress and box springs in its muncher. Way cool. "Truck?"

While we're playing the Tricks My Kid Can Do game, I should also mention that he says, "Choo choo!" every time he sees OR JUST HEARS a train. He can also identify lots of different types of trains (Thomas the Tank, his wooden train, his plastic ride-on train, the Metra train) as trains, which seems impressive to me--transfer of learning, and all that. He will now hold out his arms in anticipation of catching a ball (thank you, Mimi); he is an adept Climber of Stairs; he can tell you what the elephant, monkey, Oliver and train "say;" he can point to his ear, nose and toes. We're planning to send him to college next week.

Week. Add that to the list.


Anonymous said...

Slow down 'S''re going to give Payton a complex!


sjh said...

Now we all know you can't compare the first and last children. Those first kids are such over-achievers. It's necessary in their very mainly adult world.

Go, little boy. Reminds me of my boy and his train fascination. In fact, I have a few new trains stuffed in a closet, that I put away for my first grandchild. Now, how did I know that would be a boy?

Let's see...back, clack, crack, sack.