When I was young(er), I had a "best cousin" named Marah.
(For those who are unfamiliar with my extensive family tree, Marah is the daughter (3rd in line) of Mary, who is my mother's eldest sister.)
For years, my family would drive (yes, DRIVE) from Livonia, Michigan to Ocala, Florida at least once per year to visit the Stevens family, often over Spring Break. I have zillions of memories of Marah, but here are a few:
- One year us kids confiscated our Easter baskets and ate the candy in secret in the bedroom. Our "punishment" came when my sister got gum in her hair and we had to tell our moms so they could help get it out.
- Many, many warm Florida days spent at "Wild Waters" waterpark. It was the first time I heard the song, "Manic Monday," by the Bangles.
- The year that we were pre-teens and tanning, Marah decided to forgo sunscreen and scorched the back of her legs so badly she couldn't sit down for days.
- The year of the lice. I won't elaborate. :o)
- Sleeping in tents outside Uncle Frank's cottage and talking about the arrival of a certain female friend named Flo.
- The same visit to Uncle Frank's (I think), Marah and I got in trouble for stealing all the graham crackers for S'Mores and eating them dipped in milk. Yum!
- One time we made up cheerleading/dance routines to Huey Lewis's "Hip to be Square" on the lawn outside Marah's house.
So it now seems a little surreal to visit my Best Cousin in her own house in Florida, meet her husband, her three small children, and introduce her to mine...but that's exactly what happened!
On our first day of vacation in the Orlando area last week, we spent the day with the Fitos family, and were later joined by Todd and Gregory's families (Mary's two sons), Elizabeth (Mary's 4th in line), Mary (my aunt) and Barbara and Terry (my aunt and uncle). Marah's kids had a marvelous time meeting my little Munchkin. They were so gentle and kind to him, bringing him toy after toy.
We had lunch and dinner together, talked all about babies and our lives and our families...and when we would get together next! It was a great day. Too short, but wonderful.
Thanks to the Fitos' for their hospitality, and to my other counsins, aunts and uncle for making the journey to see us. We love you!
(Unfortunately, I did a terrible job at documenting this day through photos, but here are just a couple. There are a few more that will be included in the Disney photo album later this week.)
J, K and S (Marah's oldest and middle, and Munchkin)

Great-Aunts Barbara and Mary with P (Marah's youngest) and S

I'm not sure if it's b/c I'm overtired today, expceptionally emotional or what...but that made me cry. Maybe because half of those memories I don't even have and the other half I would never remember if it weren't for you. I hate my horrible memory. It makes me sad. Ahh, Manic Monday...now that song has many a memory. I danced in a talent show in 5th grade to that song and no one will let me forget it. One memory you didn't mention...kissing cousins at the lake?? hmmm, no names shall be mentioned.
It was so great seeing you, Hannah and sharing our lives just for one day. I wished we had more time. Now I'm hoping more than ever that we get a week together at the lake this summer.
Love, Marah
My memory is often pretty bad, too. Sometimes I confuse pictures with an actual memory...but I'm glad it touched you. :o) And I totally remember about the kissing--hard to forget that one. Fingers crossed for lake-age!
kissing? at the lake? excuse me? where was the mom in charge?
the things you find out too late. go to your rooms.
the mother
Uhhh, we were in our "room". What do you expect from sticking at least 8 (or more) pubescent kids in the same tiny tent?? :)
well, I would think giggling, telling body noise jokes, and perhaps just a little sleeping. but kissing? does that mean you kissed the kids in your cabin at blue lake?
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