Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Good Day

Today was a good day. No, it was a great day. The Munchkin and I just had a really, truly wonderful time together today. One minor meltdown in music that can be overlooked is par for the course, at this juncture.

Once again, I notice that I spend too much time trying to multi-task at the computer/sink/washer while he is on the floor playing with toys. Or I am so daunted at the idea of four hours to fill before bedtime that we run needless errands that frustrate us both. So today, after music, we came home and just played.

What's funny is that we actually played together. Like, he would bring me Legos and we would take turns building them (me) and tearing them down (him). He would give me the hard instruments to play (kazoo, harmonica), while he played the sticks and jingle bells. We looked a dozens of pictures in books today. Ooh! Funny story. So, he opened a book to a page with cartoon balloons on them, and said his usual, "Whsssat?" "Balloons." (Repeat times 20.) Then, after a while, he pointed to the balloons and said, "Baa-mmm." Two distinct syllables. Naturally, I thought, hey! he knows a sort of word for balloon! Well, for the rest of the afternoon, he pointed to everything and said, "Baa-mmm," so I guess we can strike that.

Anyway. We played with trains, and balls, and listened to music, and danced, and made up dialogue for his stuffed animals (me) and threw them around the room (him). At one point, I was laying on the floor in his room and put my head down on my arms. A few moments later, he snuggled right up against me with his head on my back and said, "Ahhh," in that toddler sing-songy voice.

AND...he ate three servings of green vegetables that were not disguised by butter and/or cheese.

It was good day.

(Add to the Things He Can (Sort of) Say list: "All gone.")

1 comment:

Kage said...

Why is it so hard to just be mom and play? I have been fighting that battle for YEARS now...but starting to appreciate the just being with your kids thing much more lately....

Baby is talking SO early....good for you!