Monday, October 5, 2009


Evidently, we can now add another word to our ever-growing list of Words that End with "K."

Oliver has an affinity for tearing apart babies. Um, what I mean is, we buy him stuffed dog toys (at a zillion dollars a pop) and he tears them apart--literally limb from limb. Yesterday he spent a good majority of the morning walking around with a moose leg between his teeth.

Anyway, the fluff from these "babies" ends up strewn ALL OVER THE $%&# HOUSE. Well, The Munch, in his quest to conquer the length of the living room in two seconds flat, gathered a mound of fluff on his jammies in the process. Recalling that my dear, sweet child has a few tactile issues (remember the cotton candy?), you will not be surprised to learn that he was less than impressed with his new accessory. He plucked it gingerly from his jammies, using only his pincer grasp, tossed it delicately on the floor and said, "Yuck." *

Here, here, buddy. Mommy feels your pain. Now where is the $%&# dustbuster?

* (Alright, alright, he actually said, "Uck," but the meaning was definitely "Yuck.")


sjh said...

where is the 'yucking' dust buster?
My OCD is kicking in overtime.

HHRose said...

Ha! Best comment, ever, SJH.